Sorbonne Université

Fights statistics :

Fight Report Opposition Total Bonus
1: PF 1 | A119 20.25 15.25 35.50 0.0
2: PF 2 | A120 18.75 16.50 35.25 0.0
3: PF 3 | A116 21.38 15.50 36.88 0.0
4: PF 4 | A119 20.25 15.25 35.50 0.0

Problems played :

Problem By Role Grade
17 - The Slinky Tobias Neuhoff reporter 6.75
3 - Oscillating Rings Maxime Moskalenko reporter 6.25
5 - Flying Coin Muruhappan Chidambaram reporter 7.13
15 - Creeping Salt Fivos Pham reporter 6.75
16 - PET Bottle Rocket Maxime Moskalenko opponent 7.63
5 - Flying Coin Muruhappan Chidambaram opponent 8.25
6 - An Optimal Candle Maxime Moskalenko opponent 7.75
16 - PET Bottle Rocket Muruhappan Chidambaram opponent 7.63
4 - Traveling Flame None reviewer Ongoing


Team-Leaders and juries


Nothing yet
